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理解和应对 “鼻水综合症”——RNS
http://tortoise.intopet.com 日期:2006-7-19 来源:走进宠物网 作者:M.Corton 阅读:
est come back indicating that a different antibiotic is required, you should switch over immediately. Cortisone should never be used as it suppresses the immune system of an already compromised animal.

  轻微的和短期感染,每天向龟龟鼻子里滴抗生素。经常用到的有土霉素, 泰乐菌素,Enrofloxacin (Baytril)???. 首先用纸巾擦干净鼻子。然后用针管向每个鼻孔滴入抗生素,同时保持龟龟竖直,每天一次。最好在傍晚,龟龟睡觉前进行。如果环境阴冷,最好把龟龟放到箱子里拿到暖和的地方。不要使用开着的灯,它会带来火灾隐患。龟龟严重时,需要长期至于温暖的环境。这种简单的治疗持续一周或者两周,如果好转谨防复发。记住,上边提到的抗生素有些龟龟会过敏(豹龟最普遍)。如果这样,你需要立刻换一种抗生素。Cortisone(可的松)是绝对不能使用的,他会影响到动物的免疫系统。

  While this treatment usually works, remember also that the conditions that initially caused the infection may still prevail (stress, malnutrition, dampness etc.) and that this should be rectified if you wish to avoid relapse.


  This isn't working! (治疗无效)

  You have tried the drops, and they don't seem to be working. Now what? Some infections are complicated. More than one organism could be involved, necrotic stomatitis could be complicating the infection, acute or chronic pneumonia could be setting in. There are any number of reasons, and whatever the cause prompt action must be taken. Veterinary advice must be obtained without delay as a course of injectable antibiotic will usually be necessary. These injections are usually given every 48-72 hours because metabolic take-up is slow and the drug could build up in the tortoise's system and reach toxic levels.


  It is vital to keep the tortoise at a higher temperature for the duration of treatment, this speeds up metabolism and drug distribution and also boosts the animal's immune system. A temperature of around 28-33 degrees is usually recommended. It is most important that hydration be maintained, if the animal is not drinking water

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