the outside, it does not kill overnight, your tortoise seems okay. You go to bed at night feeling good - "My tortoise ate a good meal today!". Over the years the damage creeps on, undetected, and the problem ignored. Your tortoise lies around all day sunbathing, eating, sleeping - seemingly healthy, when in reality his body is slowly deteriorating to a point where things start going radically wrong. If, or more likely when disease strikes, your tortoise has more chance of dying than one who is active all day seeking out natural food.
想一想,龟龟在野外会一天行走数英里去寻找它需要的食物,但这些食物会供给它生命系统的所需的所有物质。当人工环境下的龟龟食用这些摆在面前且容易得到的食物时,自然的他们会吃的。但是,他会缺乏过去找寻食物时的锻炼,他们的新陈代谢会减慢。饲料的营养不容易被吸收,他们不能得到足够的矿物质和维生素来维持生命健康。营养不良是看不见的杀手,你很难从外表发现,这也不会一夜间要了龟龟的命,你的龟龟看上去可能还不错。你睡觉的时候可能还感觉很好:“我的龟龟今天吃的不错!”。 几年下来,伤害累积着而没有被发现,错误被忽略了。你的龟整天无所事事的晒太阳,吃饭,睡觉~看上去很健康,实际上他的身体已经在不断慢慢的变糟,直至非常严重。一旦你的龟龟生病,你的龟龟的死亡几率会大大超过那些有活力,习惯自己寻找食物的龟龟的。
This active tortoise will have muscles that are firm and strong, his metabolism will be functioning in top gear, and his vitamin/mineral intake sufficient to ensure that his immune system gives him sound protection against invasion of disease causing organisms. A tortoise suffering from malnutrition has no such protection against disease, he has no defenses left to fight invaders, and will often succumb to a minor infection.
Do not add any new tortoise to your existing collection without a quarantine period - 6 months is recommended. Your new tortoise may have had RNS and may now be a carrier. There is no way of identifying a carrier with any certainty.
Avoid stress - dogs or other animals worrying your tortoise, overcrowding, competition/aggression from other tortoises, children allowed to "play" with the animal - even inadequate feeding is stressful. Str
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