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理解和应对 “鼻水综合症”——RNS
http://tortoise.intopet.com 日期:2006-7-19 来源:走进宠物网 作者:M.Corton 阅读:

  There are several factors that can increase the chances of your tortoise getting RNS - dusty conditions, foreign bodies lodging in the nostrils, inappropriate humidity or temperature, lack of sunlight and the accompanying dampness, confinement in damp grassed areas with no access to sand, overcrowding, malnutrition, stress, and a deficiency of vitamin A.

  有些因素会增加患RNS的几率:充满灰尘的环境,鼻孔处的外来寄生物,不合适的温度或湿度,缺乏日晒和相应的潮气, 关在潮湿的草丛里,不能接触到沙地,过渡拥挤的环境,营养失调,过分紧张,缺乏维生素A。

  Prevention: (预防)

  Ensure that your animal has a healthy diet rich in vitamin A - foods that are high in this vitamin include dandelion, all the pumpkin/butternut family and carrots. If you are unable to supply the food he needs, a good supplement containing this vitamin will be needed. A slow conversion to a "natural" diet will go a long way in keeping your tortoise healthy. Tortoises love "junk" food in the same way that humans are addicted to hamburgers and hot-dogs. In supplying him with a pile of readily accessible kitchen food you are doing a lot of harm.


  Think about it for a moment, in the wild he has to sometimes walk several miles in a day to obtain all the food he needs, but the food he does get is geared to supplying his system with all it needs. When he has this pile of "easy" food put in front of him, naturally he will eat it. But, he will lack the exercise he used to get searching for food and his metabolism will slow down. Nutrients (the few that there are in the

  usual "kitchen" food) will be poorly utilized, and will not supply all the minerals and vitamins he needs to stay healthy. Malnutrition is insidious, you cannot easily detect it from

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