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http://tortoise.intopet.com 日期:2006-7-24 来源:走进宠物网 作者:A.C.Highfield Wales 阅读:

  Hibernating Box Turtles (Terrapene species)

  midity than do turtles or tortoises of other species. Also, the period of hibernation might need to be shorter, regular checks on your box turtle are simple, and will enable you to asses it's overall health status. Weight checks as well as visual examinations to check for respiratory problems during the hibernation period may be performed on a bi-weekly basis with little disturbance to the animal.
The correct hibernation protocols for box turtles should be as follows:
  a. An area not subject to freezing temperatures. Freezing will kill your turtle. In the wild, these turtles bury themselves deep within the soil, below the frost line, in order to keep from freezing.
  b. Proper hibernation medium. Many keepers have successfully used a combination of the following for box turtles to hibernate in:
  c. Organic potting soil, with no polymers, such as Vermiculite? Pearlite? or other additives.
  d. agnum moss, shredded.

  盒龟(箱龟)的冬眠(Terrapene species)

  a. 冬眠区温度不能到结冰温度,结冰将导致你的龟死亡。在野外,这些龟把自己深埋在土里,在冻土以下来防止冻僵。
  b. 适当的冬眠介质,许多饲养者成功地使用以下方法让盒龟在其中冬眠:
  c. 不含聚合物的有机陶土(不含如:Vermiculite(蛭石:与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅酸盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介)? Pearlite(珠光体: 光体,珠铁:在慢慢冷却的碳合金中的层状铁素体和碳素体的混合物)?等物质)。
  d. 撕成小块的苔藓。
  All of these items can be mixed together after soaking the sphagnum moss in a bucket of water, then squeezing it out so it is not "soggy," but still quite wet. Combining the sphagnum moss with the organic soil helps it to retain a good level of humidity, but not creating so much that the turtle is exposed to a "wet" environment. In the wild, box turtles are often found hibernating beneath the earth, under fallen logs, under rocks, or other areas that might have been used in the past by other animals. This allows the animals to maintain the humidity they need so they don't become dehydrated, and also provides shelter during rain or snow, at a temperature that is suitable. Depending on the soil temperature, the turtle will move up toward the surface or burrow deeper, keeping itself at a good constant temperature. In captivity, box turtles are often kept in areas that have little or no resemblance to their home territories. In order to ensure safe hibernation, please study the following guidelines.


  1 Hibernate a box turtle that has shown ANY sign of illness, weight loss, or other ailment within the past year.
  2 Hibernate a box turtle the first season you have it, as potential health problems may be latent and might not have shown as outward symptoms.
  3 Hibernate a box turtle that hasn't been completely cleared of internal parasites.
  4 Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
  5 Hibernate in an area where the temperature is below freezing if they are unable to dig deeply into the soil for protection. This will either kill, cause blindness or limb paralysis.
  6 DO provide a safe area, protected from rodents of any type. Garages often work well for this purpose, provided the temperatures do not get too low.

  1 不要让盒龟冬眠,当它表现出一些有病的征兆,如:体重下降或有在过去几年中的其他一些病症。
  2 不要让盒龟冬眠,当你在冬季刚得到龟时,它可能有一些潜在的健康问题还没有表现出来。
  4 绝对不要让龟在有可能发大水的地方冬眠,它们会溺水而死。

  In many areas of the USA, box turtles can safely be hibernated in a place that they choose. If the area is on high ground, the soil is soft enough for them to dig deep enough to avoid freezing, and is an area that stays damp, then a healthy turtle can be hibernated outside. Rainfall is fine, and will not hurt a box turtle unless flooding occurs. You can help the turtle along by covering the area with dry leaves once they have "dug in" to help prevent problems with frost. They often choose an area such as the base of a bush, tree, or other vegetation for their natural hibernaculum.


  The method we have used most successfully for box turtles which cannot hibernate outdoors includes the use of VERY large Rubbermaid type containers that are deep as well as long. After the turtle has stopped eating, or starts to slow down, it is preparing for hibernation. DO NOT offer any more food, it is extremely important that the gut be free of any food items, as they may ferment and rot in the gut during hibernation, often causing death.


  Add the mixture of sphagnum moss and organic soil. Filling to within roughly 5 inches of the top. Substrate should be at least 2 feet deep. If well mixed, the substrate should remain nice and damp. Occasional spraying or adding of water will keep it moist. With the sphagnum mixed in, a far longer period can pass without having to re-moisten the substrate. Sphagnum moss does not seem to cause any problem with mold or mildew. Place the sleeping box turtle into the container. It will, even if it has fallen asleep for the winter, burrow itself to the level it feels it needs to be.


  We usually allow box turtles to start their hibernation outside, long before freezing weather has a chance to hit, and then transfer them a little later to our chosen area. The transition always seems to go smoothly. Using this method, place a probe thermometer into the soil to monitor soil temperature. Also, another thermometer is used to monitor the temperature of the outside air temperature. Place a thick sheet of cardboard between the floor and the hibernation container, as most floors are either concrete or stone, and can cause problems with the temperatures in the container. The container may also be placed on a shelf.


  NEVER place a sealed lid on the top of the container! These turtles need to have a good oxygen exchange during hibernation. Sealing a container will cause a build up of lethal gasses. With many of the Rubbermaid type containers, a lid is provided. Holes may be drilled through the lid, at 2" intervals. Make certain the holes are large, but not large enough to let any predator inside! This helps to keep humidity up, keeps rodents and other pests out, and allows for good oxygen exchange.


  Successful hibernation requires free air circulation. 40/45?F is a good temperature to aim for, but the temperature does not need to stay constant, as the turtles will move up and down in the substrate as needed. This method also makes it far easier to carry out regular health status checks. If you do find that one of your turtles has become ill or appears to be dropping too much weight, it is always possible to bring it out of hibernation by letting it slowly warm to room temperature inside. No turtle exhibiting any symptom of illness or weight loss should ever be replaced to the hibernation container.


  Provided that this is appreciated, then American box turtles can certainly be maintained very successfully, and even bred in captivity.


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