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http://tortoise.intopet.com 日期:2006-7-24 来源:走进宠物网 作者:A.C.Highfield Wales 阅读:


  1 Do not attempt to hibernate ANY tortoise if you suspect it may be a tropical variety. Consult us for help with identification. The Tortoise Trust can assist with identifying any tortoise, so if you do have a tortoise you are not certain about, and you send us a reasonable quality photograph, we can often help.

  不要尝试让你怀疑是热带龟种的龟冬眠。与我们联系来确定他的品种。Tortoise Trust可以帮助你鉴别任何种类的陆龟,也就是说如果你需要鉴别你的龟龟的种类,发一张相对清楚的照片给我们,我们通常会帮助你的。

  2When purchasing a tortoise from a pet supplier, it is certain to be a species requiring very special care. Obtain an accurate statement from the supplier as to what it actually is, and be sure that you are going to be able to provide the environment it needs. Unfortunately, in our experience, the vast majority of ordinary pet traders are not very knowledgeable about the real needs of reptiles, so cross-check any information you are given with a reliable, independent source.


  3 Remember that in general the smaller the tortoise the more likely it is to end up as a hibernation casualty. Very small tortoises must be given a shorter, carefully controlled hibernation.


  4Never ever attempt to hibernate a tortoise which you suspect is ill. To put a sick or underweight tortoise into hibernation is to condemn it to certain death.


  Dietary management (饮食管理)

  Tortoises which are provided with the incorrect diet for their species can suffer serious problems, particularly in respect of the liver and kidneys. If these are damaged, the risks associated with hibernation are very greatly increased. While some tropical tortoises and box turtles do require animal protein, desert species do not, and nor do 'common' or Mediterranean tortoises. So, despite what you may have read elsewhere, never provide meat products to 'common' tortoises. In the long term, it can and does kill. Tortoises require a diet which is HIGH in minerals and vitamins, LOW in fats and proteins and HIGH in dietary fiber. Meat products are totally the opposite, and lead to enhanced urea levels, which damage the kidneys and cause a massive build-up of fats in the liver. The high phosphorous content of most meat products also seriously affects the Calcium-Phosphorous (Ca:P) ratio of the diet, which in turn leads to acute nutritional osteo-dystrophy or "lumpy shell syndrome". Our own tortoises not only survive, but thrive without any meat products whatsoever, they breed successfully, and the hatchlings have beautiful, perfectly formed shells without lumps, bumps or pyramids. Living proof that claims of the "necessity" of meat for tortoises are entirely inaccurate.


  Suitable dietary items for Mediterranean and Desert tortoises can include:


  Romaine or red leaf lettuce, in very limited quantities. Never use head lettuces such as iceberg, head lettuces contain very little in the way of adequate vitamins or minerals. Opuntia (spineless) prickly pear cactus, pads and fruit. Sometimes referred to as "Nopales", the fruit are often referred to as "tunas", watercress, dandelion, naturally occurring non-toxic weeds, hibiscus flowers and leaves, white (Dutch) clover, both leaves and flowers, rose leaves and petals, and sowthistle.

  莴苣和和红叶生菜必须严格限量供应。千万不要给你的龟龟饲喂类似iceberg(根据我英国同事的说法,就是生菜的一种,程球状不是很实心。) 的球状生菜。球状生菜的维生素和矿物质营养成分极低,无法满足龟龟的需要。无刺的叶片仙人掌(spineless Prickly Pear Cactus)的叶片和果实、西洋菜(豆瓣菜watercress)、蒲公英、自然生长的无毒无害的野草;芙蓉属植物的花和叶子、白三叶草(white clover)的叶子和花,玫瑰的叶子和花瓣、苦苣菜(sowthistle)。

  Most land tortoises can and do fare quite well when allowed to graze, offering the other listed items as supplements. Twice weekly, a commercial food, such as Pretty Pets Tortoise Food, can be offered as a dietary supplement. Never offer cabbage, spinach, chard, bok choy, or any vegetable related to these, as they inhibit calcium absorption and can cause tremendous health problems. Add a mineral-vitamin supplement + extra calcium. The use of cuttlebone left in the enclosures allows tortoises to regulate the amount of calcium in the diet. Some tortoises like this very much, while others will not eat it. For those that won't, the use of a phosphorous free calcium supplement is recommended.

  绝大多数的陆龟都非常适合于放牧,可以补充许多以上没有列出的植物作为食物。每周可以两次饲喂龟龟人工合成饲料,比如Pretty Pets Tortoise Food,作为饲料营养成分的补充。绝对不要饲喂卷心菜、菠菜、甜菜、bok choy(驱虫苋)等任何与这些植物类似的蔬菜。因为这些植物能够抑制钙的吸收,并带来严重的健康问题。在饲料中应该加入矿物质、维生素添加剂,尤其是提供更多的钙质。在龟龟周围放置一些墨鱼骨,可以为龟龟补充足够的钙:有些龟龟非常适合这种方式,他们可以自主选择钙质的补充量,不过也有些龟龟根本不吃。对于那些不吃墨鱼骨的龟龟,我们还是推荐不含磷的钙质添加剂。


  Grass is actually quite a useful food for tortoises (especially Desert, Leopard and African Spurred tortoises) , but is not adequate by itself. It is particularly useful as a source of dietary fibre. Certainly many giant tortoises enjoy it as part of their natural diet, and young grass shoots are equally favored by many other species. Dandelions and parsley are excellent, having a positive Ca:P ratio and being particularly rich in vitamin A (14,000 i.u/100g for dandelion, 11,000 i.u/100g in the case of parsley). When feeding weeds or wild flowers, be sure that they are free of weed killer or other lethal contaminants. On the same subject, never use slug pellets or other garden chemicals anywhere near tortoises.

  事实上对许多龟龟(尤其是沙漠陆龟、豹龟和非洲多棘龟)来说,草是重要的食物,但仅仅有草是不够的。草特别适合于作为食物中纤维的来源。很多大型的龟都把草作为日常的饲料,对于草的鲜嫩的芽则几乎受到所有龟龟的衷爱。蒲公英和欧芹是绝佳的食物,不仅含有正确的钙、磷比例还富含维生素A(蒲公英 14,000国际单位/100克;欧芹11,000国际单位/100克)。当饲喂野草或野花时,千万注意不含除草剂或其他有害物质。在放牧的龟龟的范围内或附近千万不能应用颗粒状化肥或任何化学制剂。

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