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理解和应对 “鼻水综合症”——RNS
http://tortoise.intopet.com 日期:2006-7-19 来源:走进宠物网 作者:M.Corton 阅读:
ess causes a number of biochemical changes in the animal, among them the production of steroids which in turn suppresses the immune system - such animals are more likely to succumb to an infection than a healthy non stressed tortoise exposed to the same infectious agent. Stress is almost impossible to detect until it is too late, and can have serious long term effects on the general health and resistance of the animal.


  Avoid sleeping quarters that are in a damp area. Provide a dry, snug bed at night. I felt stupid adding this, but I have seen a lot of tortoises allowed to sleep in areas that are totally unsuitable and almost certain to cause eventual respiratory problems.


  Treatment: (对策)

  The worst has happened, your tortoise has a runny nose - what should you do?


  First check that there is no foreign body lodged in the nostril - grass seed, grass etc. If one is found it should be removed without delay and drops used as outlined below to clear up any infection it may have caused. Next, correct any vitamin A deficiency. Supplements can be purchased from your vet or pharmacy. Be careful not to overdose - 1000-5000 iu is the recommended weekly dose, 10,000-20,000iu if a single dose is used. (iu - international units)

  首先检查龟龟鼻孔有无异物——草字或者草等等。如果找到,需要立刻清除并依照下一段清除异物造成的感染。然后供给足够的维生素A。补充药可以从你的兽医或者药房购买。小心不要过量 ~ 推荐每周不超过1000~5000iu。只喂一次最多10000~20000iu。(iu ~ international units)

  If a foreign body is not the culprit, ask your vet (or your normal doctor or pharmacy) for a sterile swab. Take a smear of mucous from his nose and get this sample in to your

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